Городовенко В. В., Удовика Л. Г., Дічко Г. О. Забезпечення поваги до прав і свобод людини в контексті запровадження державами заходів щодо боротьби з пандемією Covid-19: європейський досвід (2020)

Версія для друку

Horodovenko V. V., Udovyka L. G., Dichko H. O. Ensuring Respect for Human Rights and Freedoms in the Context of States' Measures Introduction to Combat the Covid-19 Pandemic: European Experience. Wiadomości Lekarskie. Poland, 2020. T. LXXIII, № 12. P. 2. S. 2773-2779.


The aim: To suggest the ways and means for ensuring respect for human rights and freedoms in the context of introduction of states' measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic based on the generalization of European experience and systematization of recommendations of international and European institutions. Materials and methods: In thise research we applied a complex of philosophical and ideological approaches, general scientific and special methods of scientific cognition, in particular civilizational and axiological approaches as well as dialectical, comparative legal and statistical methods. The empirical basis of the study is represented by the statistical data of the healthcare sector of European countries, generalization of the practice of countering the pandemic spread. In this study we used international and European regulatory legal acts and documents in the field of human rights, national legislations of foreign countries. Conclusions: Derogation from the provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights in the context of introduction of measures to combat the СOVID-19 pandemic is a common problem for European countries, which requires emergency measures introduction by the governments of these countries; the measures introduced should be legal, necessary, non-discriminatory, with a certain specific focus and duration; ensuring respect for human rights and freedoms requires deliberate, timely and effective legal, organizational forms and methods of states' activities and international cooperation. [ТЕКСТ]


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