Stanislav Shevchuk

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Stanislav Shevchuk

Former Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine


Chairman Shevchuk was born on June 11, 1969 in Kharkiv.

In 1987 – 1989 he served compulsory military service.

In 1993 he graduated from the Ukrainian Law Academy (nowadays – Yaroslav the Wise National Law Academy of Ukraine) and completed postgraduate studies at this institution, where he worked as an assistant at the Department of theory of state and law in 1996–1997.

1997 – 2000 – research consultant of the judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.

2000 – 2003 – Director of the Centre for Comparative Law and its legal successor – Centre for European and Comparative Law at the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

 2004 – 2009 – Professor, Department of Public Law at International Solomon University.

From 2009 – Professor, Department of general theoretic and state and legal sciences at the National University of "Kyiv–Mohyla Academy".

He has extensive international experience, in particular as a UN Mission legal expert in the Republic of Tajikistan, World Bank and OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine. He completed research studies and internships on comparative constitutional law, international and European law, human rights and philosophy of law at Duke University (USA), University of Chicago (USA), University of Birmingham (UK), University of Leuven (Belgium) as well as an internship on European integration and human rights at the Lord Chancellor's Department and the Office of the United Kingdom Representative to the European Court of Human Rights.

2009 – 2012 – ad hoc judge of the European Court of Human Rights with respect to Ukraine. Founder of the Ukrainian Bar Association, member of Ukrainian Association of International Law.

In March 2014 he was appointed Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. He took the oath of a judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine on March 13, 2014.

Member of research and advisory boards of the Supreme Court of Ukraine and the High Administrative Court of Ukraine, Research and Methodological Council of the National School of Judges of Ukraine.

Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine.

Areas of scientific research: theory of delegation of state powers, analysis of the role of court in the process of law formation in the world and Ukrainian practice, normativity of acts of judicial power, theory of judicial precedent, problems of the constitutional jurisdiction, European human rights law, comparative law research, development of methodology for adaptation of the Ukrainian legislation to the EU law.

Author of over 120 research publications on the theory of state and law, constitutional law, human rights, including 12 monographs (including 6 as a sole author), in particular "Principles of Constitutional Jurisprudence" (2001), “Comparative Case-Law on Human Rights" (2002), "Freedom of Expression" (2005), "Freedom of Expression: Case-Law of the European Court of Human Rights in Comparative Perspective" (2005), "Judicial Protection of Human Rights: Case-Law of the European Court of Human Rights in the Context of the Western Legal Tradition" (2006), "The Judicial Law-Making: International Experience and Prospects in Ukraine" (2007), "Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the Jurisprudence of Courts of Ukraine" (2008), "International Proceedings" (2009) as well as co-author of textbooks “The History of State and Law Doctrines” (2008), “Theory of State and Law” (2014).

On February 21, 2018 at the special plenary session of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Stanislav Shevchuk was elected Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.

Pursuant to the Resolution of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine dated May 14, 2019 No 1-пс/2019 Mr Shevchuk was dismissed from the office of the Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine based on clause 3 paragraph two Article 149-1 of the Constitution of Ukraine.


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