Volodymyr Tykhyi |
Volodymyr Tykhyi was born in 1939 in Teplohorsk, Luhansk region. He graduated from Kharkiv Law Institute (at present Yaroslav Mudry National Law Academy of Ukraine) in 1963. From 1963 he served as an investigator at prosecutor’s offices in Luhansk and Dnipropetrovsk regions. From 1968 he worked at Kharkiv Law Institute as a post-graduate student, senior lecturer, associate professor, senior research fellow, professor of the criminal law department, Dean of the distance learning faculty, prorector. In September 1996 he was appointed Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine by the President of Ukraine. Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor. Full Member of the Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine. Distinguished Lawyer of Ukraine. Decorated with 2 medals, Diploma of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Badge of the State Committee of the USSR of popular education "For Excellent results in work", Certificate of Honour of the Union of Lawyers of Ukraine. Distinguished Educator of Ukraine, Distinguished Prosecution Officer of Ukraine; his name was written into the “Golden Book of the Ukrainian Justice” by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. Author of over 100 scientific works on the theory of state and law, constitutional and criminal law, including over 10 monographs and textbooks; co-author of several text-books on criminal law and monographs on the constitutional law. He participated in drafting the Constitution of Ukraine and the Criminal Code of Ukraine as well as in drafting “Legal Encyclopedia” and Reference book “Constitutional justice”. Volodymyr Tykhyi’s authorities were terminated on November 23, 2004.