Vasyl Nimchenko |
Vasyl Nimchenko was born in 1950 in Zahorodysche, Cherkasy region, in a peasant’s family. He started to work as a locksmith and then served compulsory military service. He graduated from Kharkiv Law Institute (at present Yaroslav Mudry National Law Academy of Ukraine) in 1976. From 1976 he served as a People’s Judge at Podil district court in Kyiv, judge at Kyiv city court, the Chairman of Pechersk district court in Kyiv. In 1987 – 1989 he was a chief consultant of the Legal Department of the Presidium of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. In 1987 – 1989 he was a senior consultant of the legal department of the Presidium of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. In 1990 he was elected judge of the Supreme Court of Ukraine. From 1995 he was a judge of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of Ukraine, a colonel general of justice. In September 1996 at the Third (extraordinary) Congress of Judges of Ukraine he was appointed Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. In 1996 at the special plenary session of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine he was elected Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine for a three-year term (from October 1996 until October 1999). He was the Head of the Editorial Board of the “Bulletin of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine” (1997-2005). Candidate of Legal Sciences, Professor. Distinguished Lawyer of Ukraine. Author of over 30 publications, in particular: “Constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens” (monograph), “Judicial reform and application of the legislation on administrative violations”, “Administrative law: current state and the reform trends”, “Universal Declaration of Human Rights – the first universal international legal act on human rights in contemporary world”; co-author of a Commentary to the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offences. Vasyl Nimchenko participated in drafting the Concept of the judicial and legal reform in Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine “On the Constitutional Court of Ukraine”. He is the scientific supervisor of the working group on drafting the Code of Administrative Proceedings of Ukraine. He was elected Member of the Council of Judges of Ukraine, Member of the Union of Lawyers of Ukraine, Member of the Coordination Council of the Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine. Vasyl Nimchenko terminated his authorities of a Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine on October 19, 2005.