The meeting of the Advisory Group of Experts will be held on January 11, 2024

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The meeting of the Advisory Group of Experts will be held on Thursday, January 11, 2024, at 18:30.

Proposed Agenda:

1. Adoption of a Decision on granting or denying to grant applications for self-recusal of members of the Advisory Group of Experts regarding the assessment of candidates for the position of judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.

The meeting of the Advisory Group of Experts will be broadcast live on the official website and YouTube channel of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine at the link:

As well the meeting will be broadcast live on the official AGE Facebook-page and AGE YouTube channel

Note that according to the Law of Ukraine "On the Constitutional Court of Ukraine", If a member of the Advisory Group has or had personal, business or other relations with a candidate for the position of a judge of the Constitutional Court, which may affect his/her objectivity or impartiality as a member of the Advisory Group, and/or in case of any other conflicts of interest or circumstances that may affect his/her objectivity or impartiality as a member of the Advisory Group, he/she is obliged to recuse himself/herself within two days from the day when he/she learned or should have learned about such circumstances, but no later than the start of interviews with all candidates for the position of a judge of the Constitutional Court by the Advisory Group.

Self-recusal of a member of the Advisory Group, as well as applications for recusal, are considered by the Advisory Group in accordance with the Regulations.

By its decision, the Advisory Group may refuse a member of the Advisory Group to satisfy his/her application for self-recusal or refuse to satisfy the application of the candidate to recuse a member of the Advisory Group, or satisfy them.

A member of the Advisory Group who has recused himself/herself or whose recusal has been requested by a candidate for the position of a judge of the Constitutional Court does not participate in the voting.

And according to AGE Regulations, if the Member is recused or disqualified, he:

  • has no access to the information about the concerned Candidate of the Assessment and with whom there is a conflict of interests;
  • refrains from taking part in collecting information about the concerned Candidate;
  • does not participate in the preparation of materials regarding such Candidate;
  • does not vote or discuss the Candidate; and,
  • absents themselves when the Candidate is discussed.

The decision of the Advisory Group shall be recorded in the protocol and shall be published on the official website of the Constitutional Court within three days from the day of its adoption, unless other terms are established by this Law, with the results of the roll-call vote.


Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
© 2025 Constitutional Court of Ukraine