The Secretariat of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine discussed certain aspects of gender equality

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On Monday, 25 November 2024, the workshop “Gender-Sensitive Approaches in the Activities of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine” was held in a mixed format with the assistance of the OSCE-Ukraine Constitutional Court Project “Support to National Stakeholders in Enhancing Accessibility of Constitutional Justice” of the OSCE Support Programme for Ukraine.

The event was aimed at familiarising the staff of the Secretariat of the Constitutional Court with the basic principles of gender approaches in legal practice, raising awareness of gender equality issues and developing practical recommendations for the implementation of gender-sensitive practices in the work of the Court.

Viktor Beschastnyy, Head of the Secretariat of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, delivered a welcoming speech. He emphasised the importance of integrating gender approaches into the activities of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine as one of the key aspects of promoting democratic values in society.

Paul Fraleigh, Gender Advisor, OSCE Support Programme for Ukraine, highlighted the historical aspects of the development of the concept of gender, emphasising its importance as an analytical category that allows for a deeper understanding of the complexity of social relations and historical processes. He paid special attention to gender mainstreaming, viewing it as a strategy for achieving gender equality. This approach involves a systematic assessment of the impact of any planned actions, including legislation, policies or programmes, on women and men in all sectors and at all levels.

Oleksandr Vodyannikov, Senior Project Associate of the OSCE Support Program for Ukraine, focused on gender as a constitutional category, methodological approaches to gender equality analysis and the concept of intersectionality in the practice of constitutional jurisdiction. In particular, he noted that gender as a constitutional category is inextricably linked to the constitutional right to free development of the individual, including gender identity, and the right to respect for human dignity. During the event, the participants also discussed certain aspects of HR policy, management processes and budgeting with a gender perspective.

The practical recommendations presented by the speakers contributed to a lively discussion and exchange of views. The event was an important step towards improving the efficiency of the Constitutional Court and ensuring equality in all aspects of its work.




Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
© 2025 Constitutional Court of Ukraine