Main tasks of the Division of Preliminary Examination of Constitutional Complaints

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1) preparation of information reports based on the results of a preliminary examination of constitutional complaints regarding their compliance with the requirements of the Law;

2) preparation of notifications to the subjects of the right to constitutional complaint based on the results of a preliminary examination of constitutional complaints in case of their inconsistency in the form with the requirements of the Law, indicating which requirements they do not meet;

3) preparation of notifications to the subjects of the right to constitutional complaint based on the results of a preliminary examination of constitutional complaints in case of their compliance with the requirements of the Law and determination of a Judge-Rapporteur in the case;

4) consideration of citizens' appeals to the Court on issues within the competence of the Division, and preparation of answers based on the results of their consideration;

5) consideration of requests for public information to the Court on issues within the competence of the Division, and preparation of answers based on the results of their consideration;

6) elaboration of draft normative legal acts, acts of the Court, orders, letters of the Chairman of the Court, the Deputy Chairman of the Court and the Head of the Secretariat on issues within the competence of the Division.


Head of the Division - Mr. Vitaliy ZAPOROZHETS


Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
© 2025 Constitutional Court of Ukraine