The staff of the Secretariat of the Court took part in the working group activity on Methodology for the preparation of draft acts of the Constitutional Court

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15 July, 2024

The representatives of the patronage services of the judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and the Secretariat of the Court took part in the working group activity  on Methodology for the preparation of draft acts of the Constitutional Court.

The event organised within the framework of the joint project of the Council of Europe and the Constitutional Court of Ukraine “Support to the Development of Constitutional Justice in Ukraine”, implemented within the third Phase of the joint programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe “Partnership for Good Governance”, took place in Lviv on 11-12 July 2024.

During the working sessions, the participants of the event, together with international and national experts, discussed issues related to the preparation of acts of the Constitutional Court.

Kristaps Tamužs, Head of the Legal Department of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia, International Consultant of the Council of Europe, spoke about the mechanism, stages of case deliberation and drafting of judgments in the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia. He shared his experience with Ukrainian colleagues on the preparation of a case for deliberation, the structure of a draft decision, arguments and methodology applied by the Court in this process.

Andrii Medvid, Doctor of Science in Law, Professor of the law faculty of the Lviv University of trade and economics, attorney at law, national consultant of the Council of Europe delivered a presentation on the methodology for drafting acts of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine to the Secretariat of the Court.

His presentation focused on the practical discussion of the decisions of the constitutional review body and the application of international practice.

This was followed by a question and answer session and a general discussion of the issues. The participants thanked the organisers for the event, which provided an opportunity for a professional exchange of views and experience.

The event was moderated by Siuzanna Mnatsakanian, Project Manager of the “Support to the Development of Constitutional Justice in Ukraine”, implemented within the third Phase of the joint programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe “Partnership for Good Governance”.







Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
© 2024 Constitutional Court of Ukraine