The Round Table on the content and scope of the preliminary examination of applications to the Constitutional Court of Ukraine was held

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In the framework of the Project “Support to development of the constitutional justice in Ukraine”, implemented within the European Union and Council of Europe Joint Programme “Partnership for Good Governance”, Phase III, the first of two planned practical events for the staff of the Secretariat of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine with the participation of experts in the field of constitutional law, including international ones was held.

On April 19, 2024, the first such event was held in the format of a round table on the content and scope of the preliminary examination of applications to the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.

The judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Oleh Pervomaiskyi, who participated in the round table, underscored that it is important for the Court to hold such events, since it provides an opportunity to deepen existing knowledge and apply it in practice. He thanked the Court's international partners for their close cooperation and support.

Andrii Kavakin, Project Co-ordinator, Division of Co-operation Programmes, Department for the Implementation of Human Rights, Justice and Legal Cooperation Standards, Council of Europe Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law, addressed the participants of the event and noted that the exchange of experience during such working meetings is useful for all parties.

The judge of the Court emphasised that the discussion of the issue of preliminary examination of applications to the Court is relevant. According to him, a deeper analysis of the issue of delineation of the powers of the constitutional review organ in resolving the issues of admissibility of constitutional complaint and subsidiary bodies of constitutional review, such as the Secretariat of the Court body, the employees of which are also involved in resolving the issues of admissibility of constitutional complaints, is required. In accordance with the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On the Constitutional Court of Ukraine”, the admissibility of a constitutional complaint is first considered by the Secretariat of the Court, and only in respect of those complaints that have been declared admissible, subsequently, the Court consisting of Boards of judges considers the admissibility. In view of the above, it is extremely important to hear about such experience in the European constitutional review bodies, ” the judge of the Court noted.

During the Round Table, international consultant of the Council of Europe Michela Troisi presented a report on the best practices of the Council of Europe Member States regarding the content and scope of the preliminary examination of individual constitutional complaints. Olena Boryslavska, national consultant of the Council of Europe, also made a report on the content and scope of the preliminary examination of individual constitutional complaints by the Court. 

This was followed by a question and answer session and a general discussion of the problematics.

Participants of the event



Practical events for the staff of the Secretariat of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine



The judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Oleh Pervomaiskyi 


Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
© 2024 Constitutional Court of Ukraine