Meeting of the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Turkey to Ukraine

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Meeting of the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine

with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Turkey to Ukraine



Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Natalia Shaptala held a meeting with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Turkey to Ukraine Yağmur Ahmet Güldere during which the parties discussed, in particular, the issues of securing human rights and further areas of cooperation.

The meeting was attended by Head of the Secretariat of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Yaroslav Vasylkevych, First Deputy Head of the Secretariat of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and Head of the Organisational Work Department of Court’s Secretariat Larisa Biriuk, interpreter of the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey to Ukraine Ihor Naigovzin.

 Welcoming the Ambassador, Natalia Shaptala noted that this meeting once again demonstrates the strategic importance of the Ukrainian-Turkish relations.

“The Constitutional Court of Ukraine is interested in continuation of the effective dialogue with the Constitutional Court of Ukraine since such cooperation contributes to the improvement of mechanisms of securing human rights and development of democratic values in both countries,” the Chairman emphasised.

Natalia Shaptala focused the attention on the report of the Vice-Preisdent of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Turkey Engin Yıldırım delivered at the international conference “Human Rights and National Security: the Role of the Body of Constitutional Jurisdiction” which took place on the eve of the Ukrainian Constitution Day under the auspices of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.

According to N.Shaptala, Engin Yıldırım’s presentation has identified numerous common challenges faced by both countries’ constitutional jurisdictions, in particular, with regard to the protection of human rights and freedoms in the context of the provisions for national security and observance of the balance of individual interests on the one hand, and those of the state on the other.

The Court Chairman emphasised that the national security protection is topical for the constitutional jurisdiction authorities in many countries, and primarily for those having been affected by forcible interference to this or that extent. Natalia Shaptala noted that, proceeding from the difficult situation that emerged in the country back in 2016, the Republic of Turkey has observed the principle of humanism and ensured the protection of human rights, and this was highly appreciated by the European institutions.

Yağmur Ahmet Güldere expressed his belief that cooperation between the countries in general, as well as between individual institutions of Ukraine and the Republic of Turkey in particular, is extremely important.

“Ukraine is our strategic partner, and therefore the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey to Ukraine is ready to contribute to enhancing our cooperation in many spheres, and in particular, in the sphere of constitutional justice,” Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Turkey to Ukraine assured.

In the context of discussion of the protection of human rights and freedoms, Yağmur Ahmet Güldere informed the Court’s Chairman about the coup attempt in Turkey that took place in 2016. According to him, these events became a serious challenge for the people of the Republic of Turkey. The Ambassador noted the growing level of terrorist threats in the world, and therefore ensuring national security and observance of the balance of human rights and interests is extremely topical.

Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Natalia Shaptala expressed her gratitude to Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Turkey to Ukraine Yağmur Ahmet Güldere for the initiative of the meeting and emphasised that professional cooperation and exchange of experience in resolving the problems similar in both countries are especially important and necessary.

During the meeting, the parties also discussed other topical issues and stated their readiness for further dialogue in order to resolve topical issues of constitutional justice.

Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
© 2024 Constitutional Court of Ukraine