July 14. The Court Agenda (Approved). The Grand Chamber of the Court Deliberated the Case upon the Constitutional Petitions and Adopted 52 Rulings

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On July 14, plenary sessions and sessions of the Grand Chamber were held.

At the in-camera part of the plenary session, the Grand Chamber proceeded with deliberation of the case upon the constitutional petition of 59 People’s Deputies of Ukraine regarding the constitutionality of the Law of Ukraine “On State Financial Guarantees of Medical Services to the Population” and the constitutional petition of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights regarding constitutionality of the provisions of Article 4.6 of the Law of Ukraine “On State Financial Guarantees of Medical Services to the Population”.

Further deliberation of this case will take place at one of the forthcoming plenary sessions of the Grand Chamber of the Court.

At its session, the Grand Chamber adopted 52 rulings on the extending the term of adoption of rulings by the Boards of Judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine on initiating or refusal to initiate constitutional proceedings in cases upon constitutional petitions of the Supreme Court and 99 People’s Deputies of Ukraine, constitutional appeal of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and constitutional complaints. The term has been extended until August 12, 2022.

Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
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