Judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Stanislav Shevchuk and Natalia Shaptala took part in the IVth Judicial Forum

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Judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Stanislav Shevchuk and Natalia Shaptala took part in the IVth Judicial Forum



On October 1-2, 2015 Judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Stanislav Shevchuk and NataliaShaptala took part in the IV Judicial Forum.

“UBA Judicial Forum was conceived as a central platform for discussion of current issues of justice and judicial system reform. And the fact that the program forum covers two days, the level of debate strengthens every time and participation of foreign experts and a number of international organisationspresented in the event – everything indicates that we are moving towards our goal”, said the President of the Ukrainian Bar Association Denys Bugai at the opening ceremony.

In his turn, Virgilijus Valancius, expert group team leader of the EU Project “Support to Justice Sector Reforms in Ukraine” expressed his observation that now there is a leveling of stereotypes that the lawyers used to have in relation to judges and vice versa. "We are witnessing the union of representatives of the legal profession", he said.

The Forum covered issues of investment attractiveness and the competition of jurisdictions, practical implementation of the theory of the rule of law and fair justice, judicial reform and branch changes, international judicial processes and possibilities provided by constitutional complaint.

Doctor of Law, President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania Dainius Žalimas and judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, Doctor of Law, Professor at the National University of "Kyiv–Mohyla Academy", Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, member of scientific and advisory boards of the Supreme Court of Ukraine and the High Administrative Court of Ukraine Stanislav Shevchuk delivered special presentations on the topic "The constitutional complaint - an effective mechanism for protecting the rights of individuals and legal entities. Ukrainian realities and international experience".

Stanislav Shevchuk said that he was a supporter of the introduction of constitutional complaint in Ukraine. "The introduction of constitutional complaint is a new development of our legal system", continued the judge.

He also underlined that the constitutional complaint is necessary, but it does not solve all problems.

President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania Dainius Žalimas stressed that Lithuania will always support Ukraine on its European way. He noted that the establishment of the institute of individual constitutional complaint is a European trend. "The meaning of individual constitutional complaint is broader than simply to protect the interests of the person; the institute of individual constitutional complaint also protects the public interest and the constitutional system as a whole", continued the reporter.

Dainius Žalimas presented the Concept that offers to introduce in Lithuania a "so-called model of the normative constitutional complaint, in contrast to full constitutional complaint, which provides that the complaint can be filed not only with respect to the constitutionality of legal norms on the basis of which the concrete decision was taken, but also concerning the application of this norm by judicial or other public authority".

The event was also attended by the Chairman of the Supreme Court of Ukraine Yaroslav Romaniuk, expert group team leader of the EU Project “Support to Justice Sector Reforms in Ukraine” Virgilijus Valancius, Head of the USAID Fair Justice Project David M. Vaughn, Deputy Head of Presidential Administration of Ukraine and President of the Council on Judicial Reform of the President of Ukraine Oleksiy Filatov, Deputy Mayor of Kyiv Oleksii Reznikov, Chairman of the High Council of Justice of Ukraine Ihor Benedysiuk, Chairman of the Supreme Economic Court of Ukraine Bohdan Lvov, Chairman of the High Specialised Court of Ukraine for Civil and Criminal Cases Borys Hulko, famous scientists, representatives of leading scientific institutions in the field of law, judiciary and law schools of the country.

This year the IVth UBA Judicial Forum was supported by the EU Project “Support to Justice Sector Reforms in Ukraine”. In addition, the event was supported by the Kyiv City Council, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and Mystetskyi Arsenal. The exclusive general partner of the Forum was the LCF Law Group.

Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
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