Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Petro Stetsiuk took part in the international conference "The Determinants of Good Administration"

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Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Petro Stetsiuk took part in the international conference "The Determinants of Good Administration"



On December 11–12, 2014 upon the invitation of the School of Law and Public Administration in Przemyśl(Poland), Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Petro Stetsiuk took part in the international research and practical conference "The Determinants of Good Administration", held in Krasiczyn, Poland.

The conference was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the beginning of social-political changes inPoland, the restoration of functioning of the basic institutions of modern constitutional state, in particular local self-government. The scientific event was organised by the School of Law and Public Administration in Przemyśland a number of Polish NGOs. The conference has become a kind of outcome of studies conducted within the research project "Legality, preparedness and good administrative practice as a condition for good governance." The main themes of the forum were the historical pre-conditions of good administration, constitutional grounds of public administration, European understanding of local self-government.

A number of scholars from Polish universities, practitioners of local authorities of Subcarpathian region, judges and a group of scholars from Ukraine, Slovakia and Hungary took part in the conference, namely leading scholars of the Faculty of constitutional law of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of administrative law of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Faculty of constitutional and international law of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs.

Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Petro Stetsiuk delivered a presentation "Local Self-Government in Ukraine (Conditions and Prospects). The Role of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in Ensuring Local Self-Government" in which he focused on the constitutional principles of local self-government in Ukraine, the role of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in the process of establishing the basic principles of the constitutional doctrine of local self-government, as well as further reform of local self-government in Ukraine.

During the forum, Judge Stetsiuk and the Polish colleagues - members of the Ukrainian-Polish Club of Constitutionalists discussed prospects of the Club’s activities in 2015.

Rector of the School of Law and Administration in Przemyśl Professor JerzyPosłuszny handed over recent scientific publications of this institution and a selection of scientific and theoretical journal "Administration: Theory, teaching, practice" to the Library of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.

Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
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