The delegation of the Venice Commission visited the Constitutional Court of Ukraine

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On Thursday, May 4, a meeting was held between the Acting Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, Serhiy Holovaty, and the judges of the Court, Viktor Gorodovenko, Olha Sovhyria, and Galyna Yurovska, with the delegation of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission), headed by its President, Mrs Claire Bazy Malaurie.

The delegation of the Venice Commission included Angelika Nussberger, Vice-President of the Venice Commission, Philip Dimitrov and Jan Velaers, members of the Venice Commission, Simona Granata-Menghini, Secretary of the Venice Commission.

The purpose of the Venice Commission delegation’s working visit is to hold consultations with key national partners, one of which is the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, on the issue of reforming the procedure for selecting candidates for the position of a constitutional judge on a competitive basis.

During the meeting, Acting Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Serhiy Holovaty made the following remark,“The Venice Commission was and is almost the most important and most effective European institution, which thanks to its work keeps Ukraine on the path that guarantees the construction of a genuine, not a formal, democracy in our country, respect for human rights and strengthening of the rule of law in it”.


Judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Galyna Yurovska, Viktor Gorodovenko,
Serhiy Holovaty, Olha Sovhyria (from left to right) 


Claire Bazy Malaurie, President of the Venice Commission


Serhiy Holovaty, Acting Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine


Participants of the meeting: Serhiy  Holovaty, Viktor Gorodovenko,  Olha Sovhyria, Galyna Yurovska,
judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine,
Claire Bazy Malaurie, President of the Venice Commission, 
Angelika Nussberger, Vice-President of the Venice Commission,
Philip Dimitrov and Jan Velaers, Members of the Venice Commission,
Simona Granata-Menghini, Secretary of the Venice Commission,  
Tania Van Dijk, Legal Advisor of the Secretariat of the Venice Commission


Serhiy Holovaty, Acting Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine,
Claire Bazy Malaurie, President of the Venice Commission

Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
© 2025 Constitutional Court of Ukraine