Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Yurii Baulin took part in the International Research and Practical Conference "The Protection of Human Rights in Administrative Law: Current State and Prospects for Development in Ukraine"

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Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Yurii Baulin took part in the International Research and Practical Conference “The Protection of Human Rights in Administrative Law: Current State and Prospects for Development in Ukraine”


On October 1, 2015 Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Yurii Baulin took part in the International research and practical conference "Protection of Human Rights in Administrative Law: Current State and Prospects for Development in Ukraine" dedicated tothe 10th anniversary of the launch of the procedural activity of administrative courts of Ukraine.

The conference was organised by the Higher Administrative Court of Ukraine jointly with the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine (the “Guarantee of Human Rights in the Administrationof Justice” project), USAID “Fair Justice” project and the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation.

During the conference, participants discussed the issues of the reform of administrative justice in Ukraine as a guarantee of the protection of human rights, standards of fair trial, access to public information: case law of the European Court of Human Rights, the role of the European Court of Human Rights in the context of the conflicts that lead to human rights violations, the right to freedom of peaceful assembly in the context of Article 11 of the Convention for theProtection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Yurii Baulin greeted the participants of the conference. He noted that the topic for discussion chosen by the organisers was not only extremely important, but surprisinglyrelevant.

“The specificity of administrative procedure is close to that of the constitutional justice in a certain way andenvisages that any slightest deviation from democratic or humanistic principles is unacceptable since it can result insubstantial violation of human rights, public interests and make harm to the authority of the state”, said YuriiBaulin.

Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine expressed his vision of the perspectives of development oflegal procedure, including in terms of the recent draft amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine in the part related to judicial reform.

He believes that the process of judicial reform should be applied to all courts in the state both of general andconstitutional jurisdictions. This reform should become a decisive step towards the transformation of the Fundamental Law of Ukraine from “the constitution of public administration” to the “constitution of civil society”, stressed the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.

Yurii Baulin underlined that the main focus of reform is to create conditions for the maximum free public access to any justice, including constitutional. In this aspect, he fully supports the introduction of the institute of constitutional complaint.

He also said that the legal obstacles that prevent the courts of general jurisdiction to apply directly to the Constitutional Court whenconsidering cases in which doubts arise on the constitutionality of a legal act, application of which is necessary to resolve the case, should beremoved.

           Participants of the conference were also addressed by Deputy Head of Presidential Administration of Ukraine Oleksii Filatov, Senior Project Officer at the OSCE Project Co-ordinatorin Ukraine Jeffrey Erlich, Acting Director of the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation Stefan Hülshörster, Chief of Party, USAID Fair Justice Project David MVaughn,Chairman of the Supreme Economic Court of Ukraine Bohdan Lvov, presiding judge of the Federal Administrative Court of Germany Jürgen Vormeier, Chairman of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine Serhii Koziakov, Rector of the National School of Judges of Ukraine MykolaOnischuk and Deputy Head of the Union of Lawyers of Ukraine, Member of the European Ombudsman Institute Nina Karpachova.

The event was also attended by judges, scholars, practicing lawyers in various fields of protection of human rights, international expertsand other experts on administrative law and procedure.

Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
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