Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Yurii Baulin met with the Head of the OSCE/ODIHR Local Election Observation Mission in Ukraine in 2015 Tana de Zulueta

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Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Yurii Baulin met with the Head of the OSCE/ODIHR Local Election Observation Mission in Ukraine in 2015 Tana de Zulueta



On October 1, 2015 Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Yurii Baulin met with the Head of the OSCE/ODIHR Local Election Observation Mission in Ukraine in 2015 Tana deZulueta.

The meeting was also attended by legal analyst of the OSCE/ODIHR Local Elections Observation Mission in Ukraine in 2015 Ksenia Dashutsina, OSCE/ODIHR LEOM assistant LidiaYershikhina, officials of the Secretariat of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.

Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine welcomed the guests and stressed that "In Ukraine a great importance is attached to the assessment of political and legal processes which take place in our country in view of the elections".

"Due to the importance of the elections to be held on October 25 in Ukraine and a large number of parties taking part therein and given the invitation of the Government of Ukraine we arrived for observation", said Tana de Zulueta. She added that a standard assessment methodology will be applied this time as well. The Head of Mission was also interested in the role of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in preparation and conducting the local elections.

In his turn, Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine informed the guests that the Constitutional Court of Ukraine plays a passive role in the election process, since as of today there have not been petitions and appeals submitted to the Constitutional Court on this issue. Yet, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine has been often seized regarding the electoral law, added the judge.

During the meeting the interlocutors also dwelt upon decentralisation of power inUkraine. Yurii Baulin emphasised that the Constitutional Court of Ukraine has provided a positive opinion on the relevant draft law.

In conclusion, the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine noted that "the whole Ukrainian nation is interested in conducting fair, transparent and democratic elections that will meet the OSCE and international standards".

At the end of the meeting Yurii Baulin and Tana de Zulueta thanked each other for an interesting dialogue and expressed their hope for further fruitful cooperation.

Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
© 2025 Constitutional Court of Ukraine