In April the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Adopted 2 Decisions and over 25 Rulings

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In April the Constitutional Court of Ukraine
Adopted 2 Decisions and over 25 Rulings

In April, plenary sessions and sessions of the Grand Chamber and the Second Senate as well as hearings of the boards of judges of the Court senates were held. The Court adopted 2 decisions and over 25 rulings.

The Grand Chamber of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine at the in-camera parts of 8 plenary sessions continued examination of 6 cases upon 9 constitutional petitions. At 5 sessions of the Grand Chamber 8 rulings were adopted, in particular, on the form of consideration of the case and prolongation of the term of providing rulings on initiating or refusal to initiate the constitutional proceedings in the cases by the boards of judges (upon 6 constitutional complaints and 1 constitutional appeal). There were also considered the issues on defining the form of the constitutional proceedings in the case upon the constitutional petition, which will be continued at future sessions.

During this period, 8 plenary sessions of the Second Senate were held. Upon the results of consideration of cases on constitutional complaints, the Senate adopted 2 decisions. Moreover, at the public parts in the form of written proceedings it considered 3 cases upon constitutional complaints. Upon the results of 4 sessions of the Second Senate 3 rulings were adopted.

In April, 9 sessions of the boards of judges of the First and Second Senates were held at which 15 rulings were made, in particular: 13 rulings on refusal to initiate the constitutional proceedings in the cases upon constitutional complaints (unanimous), 2 rulings on initiating the constitutional proceedings in the case upon constitutional complaints.

This month there was 1 constitutional petitions and 50 constitutional complaints filed with the Court. Upon the results of preliminary examination 1 constitutional petition and 22 constitutional complaints were distributed among judges-rapporteurs. 28 complaints which did not comply with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On the Constitutional Court of Ukraine” were returned to the subjects of the right to constitutional complaints.

Apart from this, the Court’s Secretariat drafted 80 replies to inquires for public information and citizens’ appeals.

Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
© 2025 Constitutional Court of Ukraine