Vasyl Bryntsev
Vasyl Bryntsev |
Vasyl Bryntsev was born in 1951 in Asiyivka, Balakliyskyi district, Kharkiv region. He began to work as a metalworker trainee, then served compulsory military service. In 1972 – 1980 he was a telephone connection and alarm system electrician, deputy secretary of the Komsomol committee at Physics and Technology Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR in Kharkiv. He graduated from Kharkiv Law Institute named after F.E. Dzerzhynskyi in 1980 and began his professional career as a people’s judge of Kyivskyi district people’s court in Kharkiv. From 1982 – judge of Kharkiv regional court, and from 1987 – Chairman of Kharkiv regional court of appeal. In November 2005 he was appointed Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine by the Seventh Congress of Judges of Ukraine. He swore the oath on August 4, 2006. 2007 – 2010 – Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor. Distinguished Lawyer of Ukraine. Author of 93 scientific works including monographs on the issues of judicial system and organisational aspects of judiciary. Vasyl Bryntsev terminated his authorities of the judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine on November 12, 2015.