Ivan Dombrovski
Ivan Dombrovski |
Ivan Dombrovskyi was born in 1947 in Tsekhanivka, Krasnooknianskyi district, Odessa region. In 1965 he finished vocational technical school, then worked as an electric welder. He served a regular term in the army. In 1975 he graduated from the Law Faculty of Odessa Ivan Mechnykov State University. He started his professional career as a notary at Kelmenetskyi district notary’s office in Chernivtsi region. In 1976 he was elected people’s judge of Sokyrianskyi district people’s court in the same region. From 1982 he worked as the Chairman of Storozhynetskyi district people’s court in Chernivtsi region, and from 1991 he was a judge of Chernivtsi regional court. In 1997 he was elected Judge of the Supreme Court of Ukraine. From 2003 - the Secretary of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of Ukraine. In November 2005 he was appointed Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine by the Seventh Congress of Judges of Ukraine. On August 4, 2006 he swore the oath. At the special plenary session of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine he was elected the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine (2006 – 2007). Awarded with Order of Merit, 3rd class. Distinguished Lawyer of Ukraine. Ivan Dombrovskyi terminated his authorities of a Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.