Constitutional Courts of Ukraine and the Republic of Latvia signed Memorandum on Co-operation
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Constitutional Courts of Ukraine and the Republic of Latvia signed Memorandum on Co-operation
On July 15, 2014 Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Yurii Baulin and President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia Aldis Laviņš signed Memorandum on Co-operation between the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia. The ceremony was held in the framework of the visit of the delegations of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania and the Constitutional Tribunal of the Republic of Poland toUkraine.
Both Courts declared their mutual aspiration by sharing their experience to facilitate the achievement of practical results in the field of the protection and promotion of the supremacy and direct effect of constitutions, protection of human and citizen's rights and freedoms.
According to the Memorandum, constitutionalists from the two countries will develop partnership on the basis of mutual trust, independence, respect and co-operation. The parties are expected to exchange information and experience at the level of the Courts’ secretariats, including the exchange of decisions, opinions, rulings, research and expert materials and so on.
In addition, both Courts will organise in turn bilateral meetings between representatives of the constitutional courts on constitutional justice issues, as well as reciprocal visits to learn the experience of the bodies of constitutional jurisdiction ofUkraine and Latvia.
After signing the document, Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Yurii Baulin stressed that Memorandum is of great importance for the bodies of constitutional jurisdiction of Ukraine and Latvia, since it will promote the development of bilateral relations in the sphere of the protection of the supremacy of the constitution and protection of human and citizen's rights and freedoms.
In his turn, President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia Aldis Laviņš stated that Constitution is evolving and life goes on, so observation of the progress of human rights is the basis for signing memorandum.
Earlier, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine signed Memoranda on co-operation with bodies of the constitutional jurisdiction of Lithuaniaand Poland.