Mykola Selivon
Mykola Selivon |
Mykola Selivon was born in 1946 in Shestovytsia, Chernihiv region, in a peasant’s family. He started to work as a fitter, served compulsory military service. He graduated from the Law Faculty of Kyiv Taras Shevchenko State University (at present Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University) in 1973. The sam year he began his professional career. He worked as a research fellow at the Institute of State and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. From 1979 he worked in the government as a senior assistant of the Legal Group, Acting Head of the Legal Department, Head of the Legal Department, Deputy Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers, First Deputy Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. In September 1996 he was appointed Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine by the President of Ukraine. At the special plenary session of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine he was elected Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine from October, 1999 until October, 2002. At the special plenary session of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine he was elected Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine from October 19, 2002 until October 18, 2005. Candidate of Legal Sciences, Professor. Full Member of the Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine. Distinguished Lawyer of Ukraine. Author of several monographs on legal issues concerning the organization and activities of local authorities as well as on constitutional, administrative and civil law. He participated in drafting the significant laws on the political sovereignty and economic independence of Ukraine, the formation of the economic mechanism of the market economy, social protection of the population, the establishment of a new system of public administration and local self-government. As an expert he also participated in drafting the new Constitution of Ukraine. Mykola Selivon’s authotiries were terminated on October 19, 2005.