The Advisory Group of Experts will hold its meeting of on March 23, 2024

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March 19, 2024


The Advisory Group of Experts will hold its meeting at 15:30 on Saturday, March 23, 2024, at which in particular it is planned to consider the issue on results of the stage of assessing the high moral qualities of candidates for the position of judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.

Proposed Agenda:

1. On the decision on the assessment of compliance of candidates for the position of judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine with the criterion of high moral qualities.

2. On the approval of the terms for the written assessment for evaluation the level of the competence in the field of law of candidates for the position of judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.

3. On approval the composition of the external group of international experts for the preparation of written questions and questions for additional interviews to determine the level of competence in the field of law of candidates for the position of judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.

4. On the approval of the guidances for the preparation of written questions and questions for additional interviews for evaluation the level of the competence in the field of law of candidates for the position of judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.

5. On the announcement of the date of the written assessment of candidates for the position of judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.

6. Others.

The meeting of the Advisory Group of Experts will be broadcast live on the official website and YouTube channel of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, and as well on the official AGE Facebook-page and AGE YouTube channel


We would like to remind you that within fifteen days following the interviews with all candidates, AGE undertakes the evaluation of candidates based on the criterion of high moral qualities.

As a result, candidates will receive a compliant or non-compliant rating from the AGE.

Candidates who will receive a non-compliant evaluation in terms of high moral qualities are considered to have not progressed past this particular stage, thereby concluding their participation in the competition.

Candidates which will receive a compliant evaluation at the moral qualities evaluation stage advance to the subsequent stage of the competition – the evaluation of their level of competence.

Importantly! If fewer than two individuals per vacancy will receive a compliant evaluation, a new competition for the relevant vacancy has to be announced.

Follow the news of the Advisory Group of Experts – a successful reform needs your attention and participation!





Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
© 2025 Constitutional Court of Ukraine