Main Tasks of the Chief Internal Audit Specialist

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1) ensuring the planning, organisation and implementation of internal audits at the appropriate level;

2) ensuring the documentation of the results of internal audits in accordance with the Procedure for conducting internal audits in the Court Secretariat and the Court Motor Depot and the Standards of Internal Audit Activities in the Secretariat of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and the Court's Motor Depot approved by the Chairman of the Court;

3) performance evaluation of: functioning of the internal control system; the degree of implementation and achievement of goals set in strategic and annual plans; efficiency of planning and execution of budget programs and results of their execution, management of budget funds; use and preservation of assets; reliability, efficiency and effectiveness of information systems and technologies; state property management; correctness of accounting and reliability of financial and budgetary reporting; risks that negatively affect the performance of functions and tasks of the Secretariat of the Court and the Court's Motor Base;

4) preparation of audit reports, objective and independent conclusions and recommendations to the Chairman of the Court on: functioning of the internal control system and its improvement; improvement of the management system; prevention of illegal, inefficient and ineffective use of budget funds and other assets; prevention of errors or other shortcomings in the economic and other activities of the Secretariat of the Court and the Court's Motor Depot;

5) monitoring the implementation (taking into account) of the audit recommendations provided to the Chairman of the Court;

6) preparation of reports to the Chairman of the Court and the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine on the results of internal audit activities, in accordance with the requirements of the Procedure and Standards.


Chief Internal Audit Specialist - Mr. Oleksandr ZELENYI


Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
© 2025 Constitutional Court of Ukraine