Main Tasks of the Organisational Work Directorate

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In the field of preparation and holding the sessions of the Boards of Judges of the Court, sessions and plenary sessions of the Senates of the Court, the Grand Chamber of the Court, sessions and special plenary sessions of the Court:

1) provides technical, informational and other support;

2) carries out official communication with the subjects of appeals to the Court, participants in constitutional proceedings, persons involved in constitutional proceedings;

3) executes instructions of Judges-Rapporteurs in cases, as well as the Chairman of the Court, his Deputy, Secretaries of Boards of Judges of the Court on issues related to constitutional proceedings;

4) records the meetings of the Court and its bodies by keeping and drawing up minutes;

5) maintains order during the plenary sessions of the Court;

6) ensures the organisation of the activities of the Standing Commissions of the Court, registration, signing of acts of the Court, official promulgation of acts of the Court based on the results of constitutional proceedings.


In the field of organisational support and Secretariat work:

1) decides on organisational issues and coordinates the preparation and holding of gatherings, seminars, conferences, round tables, meetings held by the Court or the Secretariat of the Court;

2) participates in the formation of work plans of the Chairman of the Court, his Deputy, the Head of the Secretariat;

3) ensures the work of receptions of the Chairman of the Court, his Deputy, the Head of the Secretariat;

4) participates in the social security of Judges of the Court and employees of the Secretariat;

5) ensures the organisation of the activities of the Research Advisory Council of the Court;

6) provides assistance to the Association of the Constitutional Court Judges in organising its work.


In the field of editorial processing of acts of the Court and preparation for publication by the printed body of the Court "Bulletin of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine":

1) edits draft rulings of the Boards of Judges of the Court, rulings, decisions of the Senates of the Court, rulings, decisions, opinions, interim orders of the Grand Chamber of the Court, resolutions of the Court;

2) edits the minutes of the sessions of the Standing Commissions of the Court;

3) editorially processes draft orders of the Chairman of the Court, the Head of the Secretariat of the Court;

4) edits outgoing correspondence related to constitutional proceedings;

5) editorially processes drafts letters addressed to the President of Ukraine, the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Prime Minister of Ukraine;

6) carries out language examinations on issues related to the activities of the Court;

7) prepares for publication the "Bulletin of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine", collections of acts of the Court;

8) prepares the texts of acts of the Court for publication in the "Bulletin of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine";

9) participates in the preparation for publication of collections of materials on the results of international conferences organized by the Court;

10) edits articles submitted for publication in the "Bulletin of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine";

11) ensures the activity of the Editorial Board of the publication "Bulletin of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine", organizes its meetings;

12) provides interaction between the members of the Editorial Board of the "Bulletin of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine" and the authors of the articles.


In the field of control:

1) controls the timely receipt of documents, materials in a specific case, which is being prepared for consideration or is being considered by the Court;

2) monitors the execution of the orders of the Chairman of the Court, his Deputy, Judges of the Court and the administration of the Secretariat by structural subdivisions of the Secretariat;

3) monitors the implementation of the Work Plan of the Court and the Secretariat of the Court;

4) monitors the activities of the Court and the Secretariat of the Court, prepares reference and information materials on its results.


Head of the Organisational Work Directorate - Ms. Larysa BIRIUK


Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
© 2025 Constitutional Court of Ukraine