Administration of the CCU Secretariat

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The Head of Secretariat of the CCU:

1) organises the work of the CCU Secretariat on managerial, analytical, legal, informational, logistics support of the Court's activity, directs it to the effective exercise by the Court of the powers defined by the Law and the Rules of Procedure and bears personal responsibility for tasks and functions assigned to the CCU Secretariat;

2) exercises the powers of the head of the civil service in the Court;

3) distributes responsibilities between the First Deputy and Deputy Heads of the Secretariat and monitors their implementation;

4) coordinates and controls the work of structural subdivisions of the Secretariat, ensures their interaction;

5) ensures the preparation of draft regulations on the functioning of the Secretariat, the approval of which is within the competence of the Court;

6) approves regulations on structural subdivisions of the Secretariat and job descriptions of Secretariat employees;

7) makes proposals on the structure and staffing of the Secretariat for approval by the Court;

8) controls the planning and conduct of mobilisation work in the Court;

9) ensures, in accordance with its powers, the protection of state secrets and the handling of For-official-use-only-information in the Secretariat in accordance with the requirements of the law;

10) ensures the preparation of the draft annual information report of the Court and submits it to the Chairman of the Court;

11) participates in the development of proposals on strategic and priority tasks of institutional development and functioning of the Court, long-term and current plans of financial, logistical, informational, economic support of the Court and the Secretariat and submits them to the Chairman of the Court;

12) organises the work and ensures the preparation of the draft budget request and the draft budget of the Court and submits it to the Chairman of the Court;

13) issues binding orders on the activities of the Secretariat;

14) approves samples and descriptions of seals and stamps of the Court and the Secretariat, ensures general control over their storage and proper use;

15) controls the activity of the State Organisation "Motor Depot of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine";

16) exercises other powers determined by the legislation and orders of the Chairman of the Court.

The First Deputy and Deputy Heads of the Secretariat shall exercise their powers in accordance with the division of responsibilities established by the Head of the Secretariat.


Head of Secretariat -                                                                   Mr. Viktor BESCHASTNYI

First Deputy Head of Secretariat -                                     Ms. Larysa BIRIUK

Deputy Head of the Secretariat -                                          Mr. Valeriy ALOSHYN

Deputy Head of the Secretariat  -                                         

Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
© 2025 Constitutional Court of Ukraine