Work Schedule of the Bodies of the Court

Версія для друку



According to the Rules of Procedure of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine adopted at the special plenary session of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine by the Resolution of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine of February 22, 2018 № 1-ps/2018 (as amended by the Resolution of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine of September 11, 2018 № 4-ps/2018), the following work schedule of the Court bodies shall be established (§ 28 of the Rules of Procedure):

1. Under ordinary circumstances, the sessions and plenary sessions of the Senates of the Constitutional Court shall be held every Tuesday and Wednesday, sessions and plenary sessions of the Grand Chamber – every Thursday.

The sessions of the Boards of Judges of the Constitutional Court may be held on any working day at the time when sessions, plenary sessions of the Senates or of the Grand Chamber of the Constitutional Court are not held.

2. The sessions of the Boards of Judges, sessions and plenary sessions of the Senates or of the Grand Chamber may be postponed, if necessary, including in the event of the incompetency of the Board of Judges, the Senate, the Grand Chamber, or if the participant of the constitutional proceedings, invited to the relevant session, for a valid reason, failed to appear.

3. Special plenary sessions, sessions of the Court shall usually be held on days free from sessions and plenary sessions of the Senates, the Grand Chamber.

Special plenary sessions at which newly appointed judges of the Constitutional Court take oath may take place on any working day, with observance of the requirements of paragraph 2 of Article 17 of the Law.


Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
© 2025 Constitutional Court of Ukraine