The representative of the Secretariat of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine learnt the European experience of strategic planning and budgeting in the field of justice

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The representative of the Secretariat of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine learnt the European experience of strategic planning and budgeting in the field of justice



At the invitation of the EU Project "Support to Justice Sector Reforms in Ukraine" Head of the Budget Planning and Finance Division of the Secretariat of the Constitutional Court of UkraineLarysa Kireieva took part in the seminar “Strategic and Budget Planning and Information Systems in Justice Sector” held on March 12-13 in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

The seminar was attended by the First Deputy Minister of Ukraine Gia Getsadze, Team Leader of the EU Project “Support to Justice Sector Reforms in Ukraine” Virgilijus Valancius, leading experts from Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Great Britain, Lithuania, France.

European experts presented best practices on strategic planning and budgeting basing on the example of the European Union countries, acquainted Ukrainian colleagues with the mechanisms of collective decision-making and coordinating actions in the process of justice sector reform.

Participants of the seminar learnt the EU experience of strategic planning of justice sector, budgeting and implementation of modern information systems. Coordination mechanisms of reforms in the field of justice and specificity of the process of decision-making of strategic decisions by the different branches of government, budgeting in justice, estimation of donor support in terms of reforms in the field of justice by EU, the problems of transition to program-target method of budgeting planning of judiciary system and prosecutors were discussed.

As Virgilijus Valancius noted during the seminar, qualitative changes in the field of justice are possible only when the reform process will involve all key institutions and appropriate measures of reforming will occur simultaneously, coordinated with each other. Head of the EU Project expressed his confidence that in the near future the program-target method of planning, orientation on strategic targets, using of indicators for measuring the efficiency should be the part of the daily work of the judicial system of Ukraine.


Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
© 2025 Constitutional Court of Ukraine