Stanislav Yatsenko

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Stanislav Yatsenko



Stanislav Yatsenko was born in 1936 in Chernihiv region in a teacher’s family.

In 1959 he graduated from Law Faculty of Kyiv Taras Shevchenko State University.

He worked as an investigation officer in Odessa region, then a lawyer and head of legal consultation office in Kyiv region.

In 1962 he started his scientific and teaching career: post-graduate student, junior scientific research fellow of the of state and law sector at the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR; senior lecturer, associate professor, Head of the Department of criminal law and criminology, deputy dean, acting dean of the Law Faculty of Taras Shevchenko State University of Kyiv.

In October 1996 he was appointed Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.

Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor. Corresponding Member of the Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine. Distinguished Lawyer of Ukraine.

Author of a number of scientific works, textbooks and monographs on criminal law, scientific editor of scientific and practical commentaries to the Criminal Code. Scientific and executive editor of scientific practical comments to the Criminal Code. He was a member of working group of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on drafting the Criminal Code.

Stanislav Yatsenko's authorities of a Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine were terminated on January 16, 2002.

Mr. Yatsenko died on May 8, 2014.


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